Major Arcana Spreads

The Fool
The Magician
The High Priestess
The Empress
The Emperor
The Hierophant
The Lovers
The Chariot
The Hermit
The Wheel of Fortune
The Hanged Man
The Devil
The Tower
The Star
The Moon
The Sun
The Last Judgement
The World

Other Spreads

Hekate Spread, or The Triune Path
Court Card Spread

Tarot Cards

The Emperor
The Star
The Moon
The Two of Swords
The Magician
The High Priestess

Tarot Initials

Chariot-Hanged Man
Judgement-Ace of Pentacles




I did this card as my contribution to a collaborative tarot deck, and as part of my lifelong hobby to be more Foolish. It's kind of a self-portrait--yes, at the time my hair was that color--and features my familiar friend Mad Maudlin the Cat (who once upon a time actually was that thin, that is, until I brought the new kitten home, Sir Isaac Mewton, and she ate lots and lots of his Kitten Chow, which is packed with all kinds of vitamins and calories for growing kittens).


It's done in colored pencils and is something like 6" x 10". It inspired some other cards, in which I switched the usual genders of the characters in the cards. I did the Magician and even the High Priestess just fine, but I've been stuck now for a while on the Empress. How do you do a male Empress? If you've got any ideas how to approach it (and I have some sort of crazy faith that it can be done), please, let me know!





























All art here ©2004 Thalia Took, aka The Artist Formerly Known As Mary Crane.
You are free to borrow the images here for your own personal or religious use. If you use any on your
personal non-commercial website, please credit the work to Thalia Took.
If you can link back to this site, I'd appreciate it. Always ask permission first for any other requests for use of this art.
Obscure Goddess Online Directory text ©2006 Thalia Took, and please do not reproduce it.
Questions or comments? E-mail me.

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