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The religion of the ancient Egyptians was a remarkably ancient and stable one, in accordance with the stability of their society. Their country along the Nile River was protected by natural features from outside invasions and regulated by the predictable cyclical nature of the annual flood, when the Nile, swollen with rains from central Africa, overflowed its banks, bringing rich silt to renew the soil, as well as life-giving water. This flood was so reliable, seasonally, that the Egyptians timed their calendar by its rising waters, which marked the beginning of their New Year.

Many of the Goddesses of ancient Egypt seem to have been local Goddesses from early times that later spread through the land when the two lands of Egypt—Upper Egypt in the south and Lower Egypt in the north or Delta—were brought together. Quite a few of the Goddesses, such as Hathor, Neith, and Bat, have cults that date back to Predynastic times, which is something like 3000 BCE. And as many of them were still honored up into Ptolemaic times, around the beginning of the current era, we're talking 3000 years of continuous worship.

A lot of the Egyptian Goddesses are rather better known by their Greek names, such as Au Set (Greek Isis), Het-heru (Hathor), or Nebethut (Nephthys, whose name I assume owes its Gaelic-style cluster of consonents to the Greek letters phi and theta being transliterated as two letters each); their entries are under the original Egyptian names, with the Greek names listed and linking to those articles (except in the case of the articles of the Goddess Oracle Deck, which use the Greek names, mostly). Goddesses with an * have illustrations, by me.

Aakhabit, Aa-sheft, Aasith, Aat-aatet, Aat-khu, Abet-neteru-s, Ahabit, Ahat, Ahemait, Ahi, Ahti, Akarkhentkats, Akert-khentet-Auset-s, Akhet, Akusaa, Amaunet,* Amemet, Amenet, Ament, Amenti, Ament-Semu-Set, Amit, Ammut, Amn, Amunet, Amunta, Anat, Anatis, Anit, Anka, Ankhet, Ankthith, Anpet, Anta, Antat, Anuke, Anuket,* Anukis, An-unsser, Apet, Apitus, Apt, Apt-hent, Apt-renpet, Ara-seshap, Aritatheth, Asbet?, Aset, Asit, Ast, Astarte, Atem, Atet, Athtor, Auramoouth, Au Set, Aukert, Auset, Autyeb

Baalat, Bahet, Bastet, Bat,* Behbet, Beset, Buto

Chensit, Clother


Ehe, Epet, Ermutu, Ernutet

Hap-tcheserts, Hak, Hast, Hathor,* Hat-mehi, Hatmehyt, Hauhet, Heb-i, Hedetet, Heh, Hehet, Hekenth, Heket, Hemsut, Henemet-em-anh-annuit, Henet, Hentet-arqiu, Hent-nut-s, Heptet, Heqet, Heret-Kau, Herit, Her-sha-s, Her-tep-aha-her-neb-s, Her-tept, Hert-erman, Hert-ketit-s, Heru-pa-kaut, Heru-seka, Hesa, Hesat, Hetemitet, Hetep-sekhus, Het-hert, Het-kau-neb-er-tcher, Hetpet, Hoh, Horit, Huntheth

Iat, Igaret, Imentet, Imsety, Ini-herit, Input, Iou-s-aas, Ipet, Isis,* Iunit, Iusaaset, Iusaset

Kadesh, Ka-harus-ap-saru-ma-hakar-uma, Kahi, Kait, Kakit, Kartek, Kauket, Kebechet, Kebehwet, Kebehut, Kefa, Kek-t, Kekuit, Kenat, Kenemet, Kenmut, Kerhet, Khaft, Kha-ra-ta-nekh-ha, Khebent, Kheftes-hau-hesqet-neha-her, KhefthernebesKhemit, Khenememtit, Khent, Kheperu, Khera, Khesef-khemt, Khnemet-urt, Khoemnis, Khut

Ma, Ma'at, Mafdet, Mafiet, Mai-hesa, Mak-nebt-s, Manefertra, Mehen, Mehenit, Mehet, Mehet-Weret, Mehi, Mehit, Mehiti, Meh-khebitet-seh-neter, Mehueret, Mekhit, Menat, Menhenet, Menhet, Menhit, Menhyt, Menkheret, Menqet, Meret, Meretseger, Merhyt, Meri, Merit, Mert, Merti, Mesenet, Meshkent, Mesta, Mestjet, Meskhenet, Methyer, Mht wr.t, Mihit, Mut, Mut-neb-set, Muyt

Nahab, Naham-ua, Nahmauit, Nakith, Naprit, Nau, Naunet, Nazit, Neb-ankhet, Neb-anu, Nebet-hetepet, Nebet-hotep, Neb-senti, Nebt, Nebt-er-tcher, Nebti, Nebt-met, Nebt-neti, Nebt-setau, Nebt-shat, Nebt-shefshefet, Nebt-thehent, Nebt-unnut, Nebtusha, Nebtuu, Nechmetawaj, Nefertum, Nehebka, Nehemauit, Nehemcou, Nehimeou, Nehmet-awai, Nehemtawy, Neith, Nekhbet,* Nekhen, Nekiu, Nen, Nephthys, Nepit, Neprit, Nesbet, Neseret, Neshtu, Nesi-Khonsu, Netert-en-Khentet-ra, Netet, Netheth, Netpe, Ninet, Nit, Noub, Nubait, Nukara, Nunet, Nushim, Nut*

Pacht, Pakhet, Par-neferu-en-nub-set, Pasht, , Per Uadjit, Perit, Phut, Proet

Qadesh,* Qebhsnuf, Qetesh

Raet, Rait, Rannu, Ranpu, Rat, Ratta, Rat-tanit, Rat-taui, Renen, Renenet, Renenti, Renenutet, Rennutet, Renpa, Renpet, Repa, Reret, Reschep, Ritho, Ronpet

Sa, Sachmet, Safekh-aabut, Sag, Sah, Sakhmis, Saosis, Sapt, Sarset, Satel, Satet, Sati, Sati-abut, Sati-arut, Satis, Schent, Seba, Seben, Sebit, Seb-tet, Sefkhabu, Seher-tut, Sekhemet-ren-s-em-abet-s, Sekhet, Sekhet-aanru, Sekhet-bast-ra, Sekhet-hetepet, Sekhet-metu, Sekhmet,* Sekseket, Selk, Selket, Semt, Senb-kheperu, Seneb, Sentait, Seret, Serket, Serqet, Ser-t, Sesenet-khu, Seshat, Seshetat, Seshetet, Seth?, the Seven Cows/Kine Deities, Shait, Shemet-khu, Shenat-pet-utheset-neter, Shentayet, Shenty, Shepet, Sheput, Shesat-makey-neb-s, Shesmetet, Sheshat, Shes-kentet, Sheta, Shilluk, Smamet, Sobkhit, Sochet, Sofh, Sokaret, Sothis, Souban, Suvan

Ta-Bitjet, Tafne, Tafner, Tafnuit, Tait, Tanenit, Tanen-tu, Taninit, Taourt, Ta-repy, Tasenetnofret, Taueret, Taur, Ta-urt, Taweret,* Tayet, Tayt, Tcheser-shetat, Tchesert, Tefnut, Tekaharesapusaremkakaremet, Tekhi, Temtith, Temu, Tenemet, Tenith, Tent-baiu, Tentenit-uhert-khakabu, Tentyris, Tesert, Themath, Thenenet, Thmei, Thoeris, Tie, Tjenenyet, Tmei, Tree Goddesses, Tuatt-makel-neb-s, Twelve Hours of the Night Goddesses, Typho

Uadjet, Uat, Uatchet, Uatch-ura, Uati, Uazit, Ubastet, Uertheku, Umm s-Subyan, Unen-em-hetep, Unnit, Unnut, Ur-mertu-s-teshert-sheni, Urt-hekau, Urt-hikeu, Urt-sekhemu, Usert, Ushmet-hatu-kheftiu-ra, Usit, Uto

Wadjet, Waset, Watch-merti, Wenet, Wepset, Weret-Hekau, Wosyet

