Little Simmy skins for Tolkieny-type Elf women, mostly from the Silmarillion. It always was my favorite.

These Elf-women are all in pale skin tone; each zip includes a set of matching hands and the matching nude (except for the nightgown, which doesn't require them). I have tried to keep the number of hand sets to a minimum by giving them the same names where I could; so long as the mesh for the main body is different, one can get away with that in the interests of cutting down on duplicate hand sets. So some of the hands and nudes may want to overwrite each other in your skin folder, which is fine. Oh, and also, my pales are slightly different in color than the ones that have been standardized within the Sims community. The standard works fine for vampires and the like, but I wanted something more healthy-looking. All my own pales are the same compared to each other, so my pale skins and heads will all match each other.

The heads can be found here.

Click on the picture for the zip of the bmp(s); on the mesh-name under the picture for the zip of the mesh.

B3ACfafit by me

Dress for Nerdanel, whose husband was Fëanor; grey brocade with black bodice embroidered with silver and set with red jewels.

B3AEfafit by me

Gown for Míriel Serindë mother of Fëanor, in green-blue embroidered all over with weeping willow branches; front panel with embroidered interlacing set with aquamarines laces with a silver tasselled cord.

B3ACfafit by me

Dress in morning glory blue for Celebrían. Silver vines and leaves at shoulders and neck with goblet cuffs.

B3AEfafit by me

Another dress for Míriel Serindë, in deep blue embroidered all over with leaves; front and back panels with embroidered trees lace at the sides with silver cord.

B3ACfafit by me

Aredhel Ar-Feiniel gown; white overdress has design of silver leaves on sleeves and at knee; underdress is a shimmery silver.

B3ACfafit by me

Dress in sea-green brocade, embroidered with silver sea-grass at the knee and sewn with pearls, for Eärwen of Alqualondë.

B3ACfafit by me

Arwen Undómiel dress in a soft silky grey with a belt of silver leaves, as per her description in The Fellowship of the Ring. Goblet cuffs and little silver slippers.

B3ACfafit by me

Simple white dress for Idril Celebrindal, to match the Elessar brooch, the famous green jewel set in an eagle of silver. Silver at hem, sweetheart neckline, and at wrists. Green leaves are embroidered on the sleeves. Barefoot of course.

B6K0fafit by MJ at the Simarillion (closed)

Idril Celebrindal dress, in cornflower blue, said to be her emblem. Barefoot, in accord with her epithet, meaning 'Silverfoot'. Sweetheart neckline, since in some early works Tolkien gives that as the meaning of her name. (He changed his mind later, of course, as he was wont to do.)

B50Afafit by Corry's Factory

Another Idril dress in a slightly purplier cornflower blue with design of tendrils. Body of dress has a subtle sparkle to it; the skirt is quite full. Barefoot again.

BJ07fafit by Jerome

Melian dress, in black with belt of stars. Bodice in subtle stripe; skirt looks like velvet, though it's hard to tell here (it shows up better in-game).

B50Afafit by Corry's Factory

Lúthien Tinúviel gown in white like mother of pearl; sewn at hem, neck, and sleeves with seed pearls.

B4t4fafit by The Sims Dream House (closed)

The famous Lúthien gown in summer sky blue, with golden trumpet lilies sewn on the sleeves.

B4C4fafit by Camilla at NightTime Sims

Lúthien (or Arwen) gown in deep blue velvet and brocade, with silver embroidery and silver shoes.

B07Zfafit by Seammer at SimFreaks

Eärwen dress in a grey-blue the color of the Sea, with embroidered waves in silver, set with pearls in a sea-foam pattern.

Mesh link above takes you to one of the formal pages at SimFreaks; download the royal blue set at the very bottom left to get this mesh.

LJ73fafit by Jerome

Buyable nightie in silver with silver lace robe over. Ties under the breasts with a grey ribbon.