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Ancient Greek women in a variety of peploi, the characteristic ancient Greek dress made by pinning and folding large squares of cloth. In light and medium skin tones, and all body types. Click on the picture for the zip of the bmp(s); on the mesh-name under the picture for the zip of the mesh. The heads can be found here. |
B3ADfafat by me Peplos in a pink-red-and-gold Aphrodite sort of color scheme, with gold and garnet jewelry. For light skin tone. |
B3ADfafat by me One in red with little coral and gold marguerites in the body of the peplos; gold jewelry. For light skin tone. |
B3ADfafat by me Peplos in a sort of wheat color, with darker tan woven diamonds and garnet-colored borders. Armband is gold and garnet in the shape of a Herakles knot; pendant is crescent, also of gold and garnet. Light skin tone. |
B3ADfafat by me And one in shades of sky blue, with palmate foliage borders and silver jewelry. For light skin tone. |
B3ADfafat by me Peplos in natural linen color with black embroidered bands at hem and overfold; necklace in gold and jet. Medium skin tone. |
B3ADfafat by me Peplos in shades of blue with woven stripes; myrtle branches in a lighter blue at hems. Silver jewelry with lapis beads; armlets are wound silver spirals. Medium skin tone. |
B3ADfafat by me Peplos in red and gold with blue; jewelry in gold includes armbands with dangling drops. For medium skin tone. |
B3ADfafat by me Peplos in Tyrian purple with gold ivy leaves on black in a band down the front and at hems. Gold necklace has amethyst drops. For medium skin tone. |
S100fafat by Maxis (TS) Red sort of 'tankini' after one on a Nereid on a vase; given that a Nereid is a sea-nymph and that the vase shows her holding a dolphin I'm guessing this is a proper swimsuit. Gold lions at hips and on butt. Gold bracelets because one must always be fashionable, even whilst swimming. Light skin tone. |
S100fafat by Maxis (TS) Green 'tankini' with all-over design in gold on the top. Medium skin tone. |
B3ADfafit by me Draped peplos with overfold in a woven pattern in shades of terracotta and black, with black and white key pattern at edges. Silver jewelry. In light skin tone. |
B3ADfafit by me Tyrian purple peplos in design straight off an amphora by Exekias. Woven bands of meanders and zig-zags are filled in with flowers, svastikas, and spirals. Various gold jewelry, including a pair of snake armbands. For light skin tone. |
B3ADfafit by me Olive-green peplos with subtle woven zig-zag; key pattern at hems and down front. Necklace of gold and emerald drops; armbands at upper arms have embossed vines on them. Light skin tone. |
B3ADfafit by me Peplos in a deep underwater green with woven bands of vines alternating with horses and riders. After one of the Horai accompanying Dionysos on the Francois Vase. Necklace in gold with dangling acorns; emerald beads above. Light skin tone. |
B3ADfafit by me Saffron peplos with red; key pattern at hem and edge of overfold. Gold necklace; bracelets have bitty embossed griffins on them. Medium skin tone. |
B3ADfafit by me Reddish peplos with band down front of alternating griffins and palmate designs. Bull's-head pendant and double bracelets in gold. Medium skin tone. |
B3ADfafit by me Soft white linen peplos with Tyrian purple and gold key pattern at hem and edge of overfold. Amethyst bead necklace has gold pendants; on each upper arm a gold snake armlet with amethyst eyes. Medium skin tone. |
B3ADfafit by me Deep indigo blue peplos with allover geometric design in darker and lighter blues; key pattern at hems. Silver jewelry, including armbands with embossed myrtle branches. Medium skin tone. |
S100fafit by Maxis (TS) Blue 'bikini' after a vase painting of Atalanta; I'm guessing the original was some kind of women's exercise outfit, but it'll do for a swimsuit. Blue with gold designs and trim; the top is a little short, but that's authentic. Light skin tone. |
S100fafit by Maxis (TS) Violet version of the Greek 'bikini' with silver trim and double spirals at hips and on butt. Mesh comes with the base game, so you don't need to download it. Medium skin tone. |
B3ADfaskn by me Peplos for skinny body type in shades of red; design straight off a Geometric Style amphora, which patterns were probably derived from textiles in the first place. Gold Thrakian jewelry. Light skin tone. |
B3ADfaskn by me Peplos in a sort of Corinthian style, with rows of critters in red and black. Light skin tone. |
B3ADfaskn by me Peplos in a subtle violet with deeper borders embroidered with silver key pattern. Body of peplos woven with little four-petalled flowers. Silver necklace with amethyst drops. For light skin tone. |
B3ADfaskn by me Silky peplos in shades of blue with diving dolphins on it; design taken directly from vase painting showing a himation wrapped around an old wooden xoanon of Dionysos. For light skin tone. |
B3ADfaskn by me Peplos for skinny body type in shades of purple, in a woven design after a pattern on a Geometric Style vase. Gold necklace with hanging papyrus or sea daffodil flowers. For medium skin tone. |
B3ADfaskn by me White peplos with gold rosettes and black key pattern borders, worn with a gold and onyx necklace and serpent armbands. For medium skin tone. |
B3ADfaskn by me Peplos in shades of blue linen with white borders, worn with silver and sapphire jewelry. For medium skin tone. |
B3ADfaskn by me Black peplos embroidered all over with silver serpents; silver snake armlets and far too many bangles make it perfect for a pharmakis or sorceress. For medium skin tone. |
S100fafat by Maxis (TS) Blue 'bikini' with spiral designs in a darker blue. Back view showing the spirals on the butt and back of the shoulders. For light skin tone. |
S100fafat by Maxis (TS) Pink Greek swimsuit with zig-zags on the top part; bottom has leaping dolphins. For medium skin tone. |