Various heads, all gathered up here since there aren't that many of them. Click on the picture to download the texture map; on the name of the mesh under it to download the zip of that. Some of these use the same meshes; you will only need one of each.

Thanks to mdamlady for the screencaps in SimPose!


CS54fa by Shay via Ephralon

Alien woman from the planet Tetroculon IV; dark hair falls in a multitude of little braids. Dark skin tone.

C202fa by Maxis (MM)

Another Tetroculonian woman; her purplish-tinted hair is swept up in a bun and held in place by a silver band with green stones. Dark skin tone.


C3AKfa by me

Aztec woman's head in medium skin tone, with horn-like hairstyle called axtlacuilli worn mostly by married women. Nocochtli or ear disks in jade or some type of greenstone.

C3AKfa by me

Another Aztec woman with the axtlacuilli hairstyle; this time with gold nocochtli or ear disks. Also, I totally drew this one from scratch and yet she looks like she could be the first one's sister. Weird.

C3AKfa by me

The same face as the last but with some pleasingly dramatic makeup after a Nayarit statuette.

C3AKfa by me

Old lady Aztec face with the horned hairstyle; turquoise nocochtli.

C3ALfa by me

Short bob that was all the rage with the Aztecs; gold nocochtli.

C3AMfa by me

Mid-back length loose hairstyle like that worn by some unmarried Aztec women. Blue tinge to her hair is from being dyed with xiuhquilitl, an herb the Aztecs used to tint hair. Jade nocochtli.


CW22fa by Sim Raj

Romanticised Celtic woman's head with bright Boudicca red hair in pale skin tone.

C3AHfa by me

Celtic(ish) woman's head with hair in a looped braid in back, after the style found on the Elling Woman, an Iron Age woman found in a bog in Denmark. Light skin tone, and red hair color eyedroppered straight off a picture of Amy Pond.

And the back:

C3AHfa by me

Elling Woman head in blonde for pale skin tone.

CW22fa by Sim Raj

Romanticised Celtic woman's head with curly black hair in light skin tone.


C3AJfa by me

Head for Nerdanel the Wise, known for her remarkable sculpture. Her husband was Fëanor and they had seven sons together; they eventually split because he was a stubborn ass, more or less. Long red ponytail fastens low at the neck with a silver ornament.

C3AIfa by me

Head of Míriel Serindë, lady of the Noldor who was famous for her embroidery. Long silver hair and dark eyes, as Tolkien describes her. Oh yeah, that guy Fëanor was her son, too.

Elaborate braid down back fastens with a bit of jewelry, as so:

C3AGfa by me

Head of Celebrían, the Lady of Rivendell, mother of Arwen; long electrum-colored waves to below hips with two tresses in front. Really quite a ridiculous amount of hair, though natural looking. Pale skin tone.

C3ACfa by me

Aredhel Ar-Feiniel head; long straightish hair to below hips in back. Pale skin tone.

C3ABfa by me

Arwen Undómiel head with long braids almost to knees. Pale skin tone.

CK50fa by MJ at the Simarillion (closed)

Head for Eärwen of Alqualondë, the mother of Galadriel. Long silver hair down back. Pale skin tone.

CK50fa by MJ at the Simarillion (closed)

Idril Celebrindal head; very long hair tumbles down her back in a 'torrent of gold.' Pale skin tone.

C0S0fa by SimSkins

Melian head; long black hair to mid-thigh in back. Pale skin tone.

CFH3fa by SimFreaks

Lúthien Tinúviel head in pale. This is a recolor of the vampiress head mesh over at SimFreaks. It's in a few pieces as the long hair is a separate prop, so I've put all the skn, cmx, and bmp parts in one folder as it's sort of its own thing. It's been properly renamed so as to not interfere with the original.


C3AAfa by me

Thigh length five-strand braid down back for light skin tone, like so:

C3AAfa by me

Another for light skin tone, with blonde hair in a three-strand braid, like this:

C3AAfa by me

Medium skin tone version of the five-strand braid down back:

C3AAfa by me

And another version for medium skin tone with brown hair and three-strand braid.

C0C1fa by Crash at NightTime Sims

Etruscan woman's head with two long braids in front and a mass of them down back. Light skin tone.

C0C1fa by Crash at NightTime Sims

Etruscan woman's head with braids in a golden blonde. Light skin tone.

C0C1fa by Crash at NightTime Sims

Etruscan woman's head with braids for medium skin tone.

C0C1fa by Crash at NightTime Sims

Etruscan woman's head with black braids and little curlicues on her forehead, for medium skin tone.


COS2fa by Maru

Woman's 1920s head in light skin tone.

COS2fa by Maru

Woman's 1920s head in medium skin tone.

C718fa by the Well Dressed Sim

Woman's 1920s head in dark skin tone; modelled after Josephine Baker, though it doesn't particularly look like her.


C3ADfa by me

Greek woman's head with hair bound back in a headband. Light skin tone.

C3ADfa by me

Greek woman's head with headband and bun in back for medium skin tone.

C3AEfa by me

Similar to the last two, but with a curly ponytail and two wavy tresses in front. Light skin tone.

C3AEfa by me

Medium skin tone version of the last, with headband of Tyrian purple and white.

C3AFfa by me

Greek woman's head with a sakkos, a type of hat or scarf worn around the hair; this version is wrapped in such a way as to allow the ponytail to hang out. Light skin tone.

C3AFfa by me

Greek women's head with a white linen sakkos embroidered with gold palmate leaves and dots. For medium skin tone.


COL7fa by Maru

Mykenaean woman with curly bangs and face paint taken from a Mykenaean statue, probably a sphinx. Light skin tone.

COL7fa by Maru

Same but for medium skin tone.

C3D8fa by Daniel at SimSkins

Minoan woman with ponytail and headband; light skin tone.

C3D8fa by Daniel at SimSkins

Same but for medium skin tone.

C802fa by Maxis (Unleashed)

After a hairstyle on one of the Theran murals, this woman's bun is tied up in a patterned cloth. Light skin tone.

C802fa by Maxis (Unleashed)

Same but for medium skin; red cloth in back.

C225ma by SimSisters (closed)

Particularly pretty Minoan man, his hair tied back. Light skin tone.

C225ma by SimSisters (closed)

Pretty Minoan man in medium skin tone.

C542ma by NightTime Sims

Warning: this mesh conflicts with the similarly-named but undreadlocked adult male head mesh in Superstar; you may wish to rename it.

C542ma by NightTime Sims

You can't tell so much from the side view, but this Minoan guy is a dead ringer for Adam Ant. It's got to be the cheekbones! Medium skin tone.

C509fc by Maxis (Vacation)

Little Minoan girl with a high ponytail and headband. Light skin tone.

C509fc by Maxis (Vacation)

Same but with blue headband for medium skin tone.

CEB2fc by Eisbaer

Little Minoan girl with bunches of waist-length braids down her back; a couple in front, too. Light skin tone.

CEB2fc by Eisbaer

Same but with blue headband for medium skin tone.


Catch-all department for the bits and pieces. Bella's lonely Gothy head is now joined by Johnny Burb's own Goth version.

C003fa by Maxis (TS)

Pale witchy version of Bella Goth. Mesh from the original game, so if you can play the game you already have this mesh.

C2GVmc by Gwynovyn of Shrunken Heads via Ephralon

Johnny Burb's Goth-punk phase. He'll probably grow out of it, but who knows; Gerard Way never did. Light skin tone.


C762fa by Fionn at SimFreaks

Roman woman's head with bun in back. Light skin tone.

C762fa by Fionn at SimFreaks

Roman woman's head with bun in back. Medium skin tone.

C762fa by Fionn at SimFreaks

Roman woman's head with bun in back. Dark skin tone.


C4D7fa by Daniel at SimSkins

Viking pale women's head, with high ponytail wrapped with her own hair, as was the style.

C4D7fa by Daniel at SimSkins

Viking women's head, with high ponytail and bangs in a reddish light brown, for light skin tone.

C4K5fa by MJ at the Simarillion (closed)

Viking women's head with very blonde ponytail for pale skin tone.

C0K8fa by MJ at the Simarillion (closed)

Viking women's head with dark ponytail for pale skin tone.

C0K8fa by MJ at the Simarillion (closed)

Viking women's head with dirty blonde ponytail for light skin tone.

C3D8fa by Daniel at SimSkins

Viking woman's ponytailed head in light brown for pale skin tone.

C3D8fa by Daniel at SimSkins

Viking woman's ponytailed head in a sort of butterscotch blonde for light skin tone.

C3D8fa by Daniel at SimSkins

Viking woman's ponytailed head in dark red hair for light skin tone. For some reason she sort of came out looking like Angelina Jolie. It was not on purpose!

C3K6ma by MJ at the Simarillion (closed)

Blonde Viking man's head with long forked beard for pale skin tone.

C3K6ma by MJ at the Simarillion (closed)

Light brown Viking man's head with long forked beard for light skin tone.

C3K6ma by MJ at the Simarillion (closed)

Strawberry blonde Viking man's head with long forked beard for light skin tone.

C6K0ma by MJ at the Simarillion (closed)

Light blonde Viking men's head with long rounded beard in pale skin tone.

C6K0ma by MJ at the Simarillion (closed)

Red-headed Viking men's head with long rounded beard in pale skin tone.

C6K0ma by MJ at the Simarillion (closed)

Light brown Viking men's head with long rounded beard in light skin tone.

C0Q0ma by MJ at the Simarillion (closed)

Very blonde Viking man's head with trimmed beard for pale skin tone.

C0Q0ma by MJ at the Simarillion (closed)

Brunette Viking man's head with trimmed beard for light skin tone.

C3AAfc by me

Little Viking girl with blonde ponytail. Light skin tone.