In light, medium and dark skin tones to reflect Rome's cosmopolitan nature, in fit body type for now.

B601fafit by unknown

Purple tunica with turquoise palla, with a necklace in the shape of a butterfly. An odd color combination, true, but it's straight off a fresco from Pompeii. For light skin tone.

B601fafit by unknown

Yellow tunica with green trim and palla of deep red. Necklace of emerald crystals and gold. For medium skin tone.

B601fafit by unknown

Tunica and palla in shades of blue, with silver and sapphire jewelry and belt clasp. For dark skin tone.

B601fafit by unknown

Sleeveless red tunica with inset yellow stripe; blue palla worn low on the hips and tied in front. Gold snake armlets. For light skin tone.

B601fafit by unknown

Sleeveless striped tunica in blue, cream, and salmon pink, with pinky-peach palla. Gold snake armlets, rose quartz necklace and bracelets. For medium skin tone.

B601fafit by unknown

Sleeveless striped tunica in two shades of Tyrian purple with celery-colored palla, which odd color scheme is again straight from one of Pompeii's frescoes. Gold necklace with amethyst and emerald beads; gold snake armlets. For dark skin tone.

S100fafit by Maxis (TS)

Buyable swimsuit after some on a Roman mosaic of women exercising, playing ball, lifting dumbbells, &c. Mesh is included with the base game, so you only need download the texture map. Light skin tone.

S100fafit by Maxis (TS)

Buyable swimsuit after one on a Roman mosaic. Red bottom and green top is authentic. Mesh included with game. Medium skin tone.

S100fafit by Maxis (TS)

Buyable Roman 'bikini' in deep red with gold jewelry. Mesh included with game. For dark skin tone.

S100fafit by Maxis (TS)

'Bikini' after one painted on a statuette of Venus; original is gold leaf on marble with a ridiculous number of golden ornaments, including four bracelets, a necklace, and a criss-cross body chain. Again, the mesh is included with the base game. Light skin tone.

S100fafit by Maxis (TS)

Another version of the 'bikini' from the Venus statuette, but with a Tyrian purple lining under gold openwork. Of course the original didn't actually have a bottom part, because Venus, so I made one to match. Medium skin tone.

S100fafit by Maxis (TS)

And one for dark skin, lined in green.