Fortuna is the Roman Goddess of luck, both good and bad, said to steer one's fate; the Romans often depicted Her with a ship's rudder, as well as a cornucopia, or 'horn of plenty', full of all good things. She had many, many aspects in Roman times, from Fortuna Primigenia to Fortuna of Antium, to Fortuna Balnearis (Fortuna of the Bathhouse) to Fortuna Viscata (Sticky Fortune), and many temples, too; if you're interested in tumbling down that rabbit hole, my Obscure Goddess Online Directory Fortuna page, with links to articles on quite a few of Fortuna's different aspects, is here. As a somewhat late addition in Roman times, Fortuna could also be shown with a wheel, to symbolize how one's fortunes can turn from good to bad, or bad to good. I've sort of combined the two—wheel and rudder—with a more modern (well, as compared to ancient Rome!) ship's wheel. This design is available on prints through ArtPal. |